Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Create AWS VPC using python boto

                                 Create AWS VPC using python boto 

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import boto.vpc
import boto.ec2
import time
REGION_NAME = 'ap-southeast-1'

conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(REGION_NAME)

# Create a VPC
vpc = conn.create_vpc('')
print vpc

# Configure the VPC to support DNS resolution and hostname assignment
conn.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc.id, enable_dns_support=True)
conn.modify_vpc_attribute(vpc.id, enable_dns_hostnames=True)

# Create an Internet Gateway
gateway = conn.create_internet_gateway()
print gateway

# Attach the Internet Gateway to our VPC
conn.attach_internet_gateway(gateway.id, vpc.id)

# Create a Route Table
route_table = conn.create_route_table(vpc.id)
route_table1 = conn.create_route_table(vpc.id)

print route_table

# Create Subnet - /24 subnet
subnet1 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1a')
subnet2 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1b')
subnet3 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1a')
subnet4 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1b')
subnet5 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1a')
subnet6 = conn.create_subnet(vpc.id, '',availability_zone='ap-southeast-1b')

print subnet1
print subnet2
print subnet3
print subnet4
print subnet5
print subnet6

# Associate Route Table with our public subnet
route1=conn.associate_route_table(route_table.id, subnet1.id)
route2=conn.associate_route_table(route_table.id, subnet2.id)

print route1
print route2

# Associate Route Table with our private subnet
route3=conn.associate_route_table(route_table1.id, subnet3.id)
route4=conn.associate_route_table(route_table1.id, subnet4.id)
route5=conn.associate_route_table(route_table1.id, subnet5.id)
route6=conn.associate_route_table(route_table1.id, subnet6.id)
print route3
print route4
print route5
print route6

# Create a Route from our Internet Gateway to the internet
route = conn.create_route(route_table.id, '', gateway.id)

print route

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