Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Create VPN connection using python boto API

                                          Create VPN connection using python boto API

#!/usr/bin/env python2

import boto.vpc
import boto.ec2
import time

#Connect with AWS region

REGION_NAME = 'ap-southeast-1'

#Connect with your Region
conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(REGION_NAME)

#Define your VPC

vpc = 'vpc-a6587c3'

#Create Customer Gateway VPN: ipsec vpn tunnel,Customer Gateway IP,BGP ASN NO,for static please specify BGP ASN=65000 ,Else get the BGP ASN NO. from Customer

cg = conn.create_customer_gateway('ipsec.1', '', 65534)
print cg.id

#Create Virtual Private

vg = conn.create_vpn_gateway('ipsec.1')
print vg.id

#Attaching VPN Gateway with the VPC

vggateway = vg.attach(vpc)

a = type(vggateway)
print a
print vggateway

# Create VPN connection
vpn = conn.create_vpn_connection('ipsec.1',cg.id,vg.id )
#print vpn


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